It’s important to be aware of carpenter bees because of their habit of boring into wood. If untreated, carpenter bees can cause damage to the structural wood of homes and businesses. Unlike other bee species that live in colonies, carpenter bees are solitary...
If you’ve been wondering how the Sentricon Termite Bait System work, we’ll explain it in detail here. The Sentricon termite control system is a bait-and-kill system that has been used to eradicate termite colonies since 1993. The bait, which is made of a non-toxic,...
Your home is one of the biggest investments you’ll make. So it’s important to protect it from termites and other pests. Termite infestations are often hard to spot, especially if you don’t live in an area that is prone to termite infestations. can be...
Black vulture and turkey vulture Vultures Overview Vultures are migratory birds, Federally protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which is administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. However, vultures may be associated with problems, including...
1. Clear the area of food sources like pet food, bird seed, or standing water. There are two main ways to deal with the food and water sources that attract rats. One is to remove the food sources, including pet food, bird seed, and standing water. The other is to...
The summer is a time for outdoor activities, vacations, and enjoying the outdoors. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when mosquitoes are particularly active. This article will provide some tips on how to protect yourself from mosquitoes this summer. The first step...