Here is a list of common questions that potential customers have when they begin looking for a pest control professional.  Have a look at these questions to see if your initial questions or concerns are answered below.
What pests do you treat for?
  We provide commercial and residential treatment for all common pests, including roaches, ants, fleas, termites, other insects, rodents, bats, and mosquitoes.
What would you charge to treat my home?
The cost for treating your location is a function of the type of pest being controlled and the size of the house/building/yard to be treated.  Contact our office for a quote over the phone.
What chemicals do you use to treat for pests?
This is completely dependent on the type of pest that we are attempting to control. We are extremely sensitive to the minimal and safe use of pesticides, always preferring to use the solution which least impacts the safety of occupants and of the environment, while still effectively controlling the targeted pest. Our office can advise you on the specific treatments we will use.
How long will I have to vacate my home or office for treatment?
This is a function of the pests being treated and whether infants, expecting mothers, or persons with medical problems are involved.  Our office and field technicians will advise you of our requirements for your well being.
When is payment expected?
We require payment at the time that service is provided. We accept cash, checks, discover card, and Visa or MasterCard.
Can you help rid my house of snakes, squirrels, raccoons, possums, or the like?

ABSOLUTELY! We can provide a one time service or reoccurring services to remove and exclude these pest problems. We can help prevent them from ever starting.

How can I tell if I have termites?
For a more detailed answer, please go to our Termite page. Basically, termites are discovered by property owners in one of three ways. First, when a colony swarms in the first warm part of early spring, winged adults can be seen on the inside or outside of a building moving toward the light, a window, or other lit opening. Second, termites build mud tubes to travel between the ground and a structure. These mud tubes can often be found on the outside of a slab between the earth and brick line, or on piers which form the foundation of a building. Finally, because termites like to eat the paper surface of sheetrock, pin holes are left behind when sheetrock has been damaged. If any of these signs are observed, don’t hesitate to call us immediately to gather more information, or to schedule a free, no obligation inspection.
What do termites look like?
Termites resemble ants in general size and appearance with a couple of major exceptions. Termites have no appreciable waistline along their bodies and are generally light in color. Ants have a very noticeable waistline mid-body and are black to red in color. Soldier termites can have a dark upper body, but the lower half is light in color, whereas ants are dark throughout. Winged adult termites have 4 wings (2 pair ea. side) which are of equal length, whereas winged adult ants have wings which are distinctly different length. You can find more information on our termites page.
Can you inspect my property or home? How much does it cost?

We will be happy to come inspect your property or home. Simply call us or submit a contact form and we’ll arrange a visit and inspection. Residential or commercial inspections are free of charge, with no obligation. Wood Destroying Insect Reports for property sales do incur a small fee

What do you charge to treat a property for termites?

We cannot quote you a cost via the web or by phone. When our technician comes to your location to inspect it, if termites are discovered, we will educate you and provide you with a quote at that time for the cost of treatment with different options.

How soon can you provide inspection and/or treatment?
This depends on the size of the property to be protected and the treatment option selected. For Sentricon applications, treatment can usually be scheduled the same day as the inspection visit. For traditional chemical treatment, completion can usually occur within 2-5 days.
How quickly can you respond to my call?

Because of the large staff we have, we can usually respond to your service request in 24-48 hours of your call.

What are your normal hours of operation?

Our office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 5:30 p.m. Our service vehicles are operating as early as 4am and as late as 6pm.

Do you have 24-hour emergency service?

We can provide very expeditious service in cases of “pest emergencies” by calling us at the earliest time of normal business hours. We encourage you to leave a message on the recorded answering service after hours of operations.

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