1. Clear the area of food sources like pet food, bird seed, or standing water.

There are two main ways to deal with the food and water sources that attract rats. One is to remove the food sources, including pet food, bird seed, and standing water. The other is to secure these food sources in rat-proof containers.

The first thing you need to do is find all the food and water sources that rats may be attracted to in your home or yard. This includes pet food left out overnight, birdseed piles on the ground, and standing water from rain or leaky pipes. You can also use a flashlight at night when looking for rats or their signs: droppings near their favorite foods or nesting materials near nests.

2. Install a weather-tight seal around your home’s exterior and attic access openings

A weather-tight seal is a must to keep your home safe and dry from rain and excess moisture.

Rain and water can seep into your home through openings like gaps in the wall, windows, doors or the roof. It’s important to install an appropriate seal to keep water from getting inside. There are several types of weather seals available in the market. You can choose one that suits your needs best.

This article will help you understand how to pick the right type of weather seal for your home so that you get maximum protection against water damage.

3. Seal holes in your walls with steel wool, cement, caulk, or wire mesh

Steel wool is a great way to fill in holes in your walls. It is also very easy to clean up. Another way to seal holes in your walls is by using caulking, cement, or wire mesh. All of these are great for certain purposes, but steel wool is the only thing that will not harm your walls and it can be easily cleaned up with water.