Your home is one of the biggest investments you’ll make. So it’s important to protect it from termites and other pests. Termite infestations are often hard to spot, especially if you don’t live in an area that is prone to termite infestations. can be found in several different locations in and around the home. They may be hiding inside a wall, underneath a slab of concrete, or near the foundation of a house. Here are a few tips outlining what to look for to identify or prevent a termite infestation.

Termite Swarmers

Termite swarmers, called alates, are winged adult termites that fly away in large groups. Typically during Spring and early Summer, these termites fly out in search of ideal places to reproduce and set up new colonies. Swarmers don’t fly long distances. So if you see any, this is the first sign of an existing termite colony in or near your home.

After a short flight, their wings fall off. Therefore, large piles of discarded wings are a sure sign of the presence of swarmers.


Mud Tubes

The most visible sign of termite infestation is the presence of termite mud tubes. These are termite mud tubes that begin in the ground and extend into the infested wood. Termite mud tubes are typically about the size of a pencil. When you see them, they’re probably a sign of a thriving colony.

Structural Damage

Termites eat wood from the inside out. So tapping on wood sounds hollow is often a sign that termites are present. You should also check for blistering patches on wood that result from a termite infestation.

If you suspect that your home or property may have a termite infestation, give us a call for a thorough inspection. Early detection can make all the difference when it comes to amount of damage that these hungry pests can cause.