It’s that time of year again. The NPMA has released the latest Bug Barometer report for Spring/Summer 2023. This interactive map tracks the abundance and activity of twelve different types of pests, including ants, cockroaches, fleas, mites and ticks.

There are a few general takeaways from this year’s report. This year’s weather patterns are leading to an increase in pest activity across the US. Jim Fredericks, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs for NPMA explains: “Warmth and moisture will allow termite, tick and mosquito populations to thrive this spring and summer. These pests are a serious concern as they can transmit dangerous diseases and cause structural damage to your home.”

See below for this season’s Bug Barometer map.

Bug Barometer - Spring Summer 2023

What Does the 2023 Spring/Summer Bug Barometer Say About Texas and Houston?

As indicated by the Bug Barometer map, the South Central states are seeing an uptick in stinging and biting insects.

Warmer-than-normal temperatures throughout the spring and summer may support an increase in stinging insects in addition to allowing tick populations to thrive. Above-average rainfall during the spring season can also result in increased termite and mosquito activity.

Since the Barometer’s data is based on surveys taken by pest professionals in different areas, it’s safe to assume that this information is reliable.

We at Killum is preparing to serve our community during what is predicted to be an intense mosquito and termite season for the area.  Give us a call at 281-297-9993 to schedule an consultation.