Raccoons are fascinating creatures that have adapted well to living in human environments. They are intelligent, curious, and resourceful animals that can cause significant damage if they decide to make your home theirs.

Raccoons are notorious for their scavenging habits and can be a nuisance to homeowners. If you suspect a raccoon infestation, it is crucial to take action immediately to prevent further damage to your property and potential health risks to you and your family.

In this article, we will discuss some signs of raccoon infestation and what you can do about it.

Signs of Raccoon Infestation

1. Strange Noises

Raccoons are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night. If you hear strange noises coming from your attic or walls at night, it may be a sign of raccoon activity. Raccoons are notorious for making loud thumping, scratching, and chattering noises as they move around and communicate with each other.

2. Damaged Roof Shingles

Raccoons are excellent climbers and can easily climb up your roof to gain access to your attic. If you notice missing or damaged roof shingles, it may be a warning that raccoons have been using your roof to get to your attic.

3. Foul Odors and Droppings

Raccoons have a distinct musky odor that can be particularly strong in enclosed spaces like attics. Moreover, raccoon droppings are cylindrical in shape and can be up to three inches long. So, if you notice foul odors and droppings in your attic or other areas of your home, it may be a sign of raccoon activity.

5. Damaged Insulation

Raccoons often tear and shred insulation to create a nest in your attic. If you notice damaged insulation, shredded paper, or other materials in your attic, it may signify raccoon activity.

6. Garbage Cans Tipped Over

Raccoons are scavengers who often tip over garbage cans in search of food. If you notice that your garbage cans have been tipped over or rummaged through, it may indicate a raccoon infestation.

What to Do About Raccoon Infestation

1. Identify the Entry Points

The first step in dealing with a raccoon infestation is identifying the entry points. Raccoons can enter your home through gaps in your roof, vents, and chimneys. Once you have identified the entry points, you can take steps to seal them off to prevent further raccoon activity.

2. Remove Attractants

Raccoons are attracted to food, so removing potential food sources around your home can help deter them. Make sure your garbage cans are secured and not easily accessible to raccoons. If you have a bird feeder, ensure it is not easily accessible to raccoons. You can also install motion-activated lights around your property to scare off raccoons.

3. Trapping and Removal

If you have identified a raccoon infestation in your home, trapping, and removal may be necessary. It is essential to hire a professional wildlife removal company to handle the trapping and removal of raccoons safely and humanely. Attempting to trap raccoons on your own can be dangerous and may result in injury to you or the raccoon.

4. Cleanup and Repair

Once the raccoons have been removed from your home, it is essential to clean up and repair any damage they may have caused. This may include repairing damaged insulation, replacing damaged roof shingles, and disinfecting areas where raccoons have been present.

5. Prevention

Preventing future raccoon infestations is crucial. Regularly inspecting your home for entry points and sealing them off can help prevent raccoons from gaining access to your home. Removing potential food sources and installing motion-activated lights can also help deter raccoons from your property.

Final Thoughts

Raccoon infestations can be a nuisance and a potential health risk to you and your family. Identifying the signs of raccoon activity and taking action to remove them from your home is essential.

Hiring a professional wildlife removal company to handle trapping and removal is the safest and most humane option. Taking steps to prevent future raccoon infestations can save you time, money, and potential health risks in the future.

If you need a professional service for raccoon deter and pest control in Pearland, TX, Killum Pest Control, Inc. is a great partner for you. We offer residential pest control services with a customized treatment to meet your particular needs. Message us today for a free quote.